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Colorado Connections Therapy

Colorado Connections Therapy focuses on healing through connection between partners, family members, and within yourself. Our private practice offers limited in-person and virtual sessions. We provide therapeutic services for couples, families, and adult individuals throughout the state of Colorado. Our goal is to help you feel your best in all the important relationships in your life.

Young couple having video call from home with their psychotherapist, after online therapy

Why go deeper than just coping skills?

At Colorado Connections Therapy, Nicole doesn't simply provide quick coping skills in a few sessions. She strives for each client to graduate from therapy feeling that they have truly found a deeper understanding of themself and their relationships.


Although it can feel easier to leave difficult experiences in the past, the effects of unprocessed trauma often leave us with current struggles in the present. 


After doing the difficult work of examining familial relationships, childhood experiences, behavioral patterns, and traumatic events, clients become fully aware of the root cause of their current challenges. This awareness allows clients to more fully adjust their relationships and parenting to be their most joyful and authentic self. 


"We are born in relationship, we are wounded in relationship, and we can be healed in relationship." 
-Harville Hendrix 

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you accept insurance? 

We do not accept insurance but can provide a superbill for out of network benefits reimbursement. 



What are the benefits of not accepting insurance? 

You do not need an official mental health diagnosis to receive therapy services. Insurance companies require a diagnosis to receive financial reimbursement for counseling.


Your privacy is protected. Insurance companies require information about their clients’ diagnoses, symptoms, and treatment in therapy. Bypassing insurance companies allows strict confidentiality. 


Your health and life insurance premiums will not be impacted. When using insurance, your health and/or life insurance premiums can be negatively impacted by the diagnosis given required to have treatment covered. 


Your insurance company does not dictate your treatment. Insurance companies have the right to decide how many sessions a client can receive and in what timeframe. This often leads to a client receiving far less support than they require.  


Your future employment possibilities will not be impacted by your diagnosis. In some states, potential employers have access to mental health diagnoses and can choose not to hire a person if their mental health diagnosis makes them less fit for their potential job role.  



How does your sliding scale work? 

Learn more about our affordable sliding scale prices for those in need here



What are your rates for therapy? 

$120 per 50-minute session. 


$180 per 75-minute session. 



What if my partner or family member isn't ready for therapy? 

If your partner or family member isn't ready for therapy, starting individual therapy on your own may be a great first step. 


It is not recommended to "force" partners or family members into therapy because client engagement from all parties is important for success. 



How do I prepare for therapy? 

Prior to your first session, please complete all intake forms sent to your email. There will be time at the beginning of your first session to answer any questions regarding these forms.


Feel free to prepare a favorite snack or beverage** to enjoy during your session to help remind your nervous system that you are safe. 

**We ask that you do not consume alcohol or recreational drugs before your session so that we can experience the most authentic version of you during therapy. 


Find a private space away from those who are not partaking in the therapy session. 


You are the driver of your therapeutic experience. If therapy ever feels overwhelming, you can always ask your therapist to slow things down.



What are the benefits of using Telehealth? 

In our busy lives, time is one of our most valuable commodities. Telehealth offers the greatest maximization of time as you can receive therapy from the comfort of your own home or a private space at your workplace. 


You don't have to additionally pay for childcare. Feel free to bring your infant to sessions or step out of a sessions to help get an older child situated. 


You can feel safe and relaxed in your own environment during sessions. 



What types of therapy services do you offer? 

Learn more about our services here


Colorado Connections Therapy does not offer crisis services. 

If you are experiencing a mental health crisis, please contact Colorado Crisis Services at 1-844-493-8255.

If you are outside the state of Colorado, please call 988.

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